Baptist Mission.—On Wednesday morning, June 19, the Anniversary of this Society commenced by a sermon, delivered in the Methodist Chapel, Great Queen-street, by the Rev. W. Jay, of Bath. In the evening the Rev. Micah Thomas, of Abergavenny, preached at Sion Chapel. At a prayer meeting, held for the special purpose of imploring a divine blessing upon the society and its founders, on the following morning, at Eagle-street meeting house, the venerable Dr. Ryland, of Bristol, delivered a very suitable address, from Acts xxi. 28.' Men of Israel, help.' The public meeting was soon afterwards held in Great Queen-street Chapel, Benjamin Shaw, Esq. the treasurer, in the chair; who, in his speech with which he opened the meeting, very happily adverted to the pleasing instance of Christian liberality, afforded by the fact of an Independent minister having preached in a Wesleyan chapel, for a Baptist Society. The Report contained an interesting account of the present state of the missions on the Continent of India, in Ceylon, Java, Sumatra, the West Indies, &c. together with a statement of the measures adopted at home for promoting the interest of the society. From the statement of accounts, it appeared that the receipts of the society in the year just closed, had been greater than in any preceding year, except the last, in which extraordinary donations and collections had been made to the amount of £2000. The amount received in the past year was about £11,600, exceeding the expenditure by £1000; but as the treasurer had immediately to make a large remittance to India, and was under acceptance for bills drawn from thence, he concluded his statement of accounts by informing the meeting, that the amount of debt due from the society might still be stated at £4000.
Ordination in Merthyr 1814
Aug. 24th. Brother Evan Herbert, of Abergavenny, was ordained pastor of the English Baptist Church at Merthyr Tidfel, Glamorgan. Introduction by brother James Edmonds; Ordination Prayer by brother Morris Jones; Charge by brother Micah Thomas Be thou faithful; sermon to the people by brither Joseph Price. [of Lalnwenarth, Govilon].
Ordination in Garway, Herefordshire 1820
Feb. 23, 1820, Mr. [William] Rogers, late student at Abergavenny, was ordained over the Baptist church at Garraway, Herefordshire. Mr. [Rees] Davis, itinerant for the county of Hereford, began with reading and prayer. Mr. Williams of Ryeford, introduced the service by describing the nature of a Gospel church, and asking the usual questions. Mr. [John] Fry of Coleford, prayed the ordination prayer. Mr. Micah Thomas of Abergavenny, (Mr. Rogers's late tutor,) delivered the charge from Rev. ii. 10; and Mr. [Henry] Hawkins of Eastcombe, preached to the people from Heb. xiii. 7. Messrs. [Rees] Davis and [Henry] Hawkins preached in the evening. The services of the day were profitable to the church and friends who were present on the interesting occasion. Mr. Rogers takes this opportunity to thank his numerous friends in London and its vicinity, for their liberality while collecting for the Meeting house in the above place. Since his return, it has been deemed necessary to make some alterations and improvements, which have cost about £40.
(Rogers later moved to be a pastor n Dudley)
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